Eighth District
   Democrats & Independents
PO Box 671
Lake Zurich IL 60047

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Eighth District Democrats & Independents
PO Box 671
Lake Zurich IL 60047

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About EDDI

EDDI began in the summer of 1999.  Then, Lance Pressl was challenging Phil Crane for the 8th District congressional seat.  One handicap that beset the Pressl campaign was the lack of organized Democratic support in the 8th district.  Jane Thomas, Pressl's campaign manager, recognized the need for a grassroots organization that would assist local Democratic and progressive candidates.  Thomas, along with other Pressl campaign volunteers, gathered together to form the Eighth District Democrats & Independents.  The first meetings were informal gatherings, many hosted by Nancy Shepherdson.  By 2001, EDDI had developed into a state registered political committee.  EDDI continues to grow.  And continues today in its mission to support local progressive candidates, and as a means for local citizens to exercise their right to participate in their democracy.

  • EDDI Values Good Economic Times. What happens in Washington affects our families. Huge deficit spending is only getting worse and job creation is nonexistent. We seek the effective management of the federal budget with an understanding of its relationship to rebuilding our economy. We've known good economic times and we want them back!
  • EDDI Values Protecting Our Environment. The Bush Administration has been a disaster for our environment. Our natural resources deserve to be protected, not used as political pawns. The interests of big lobbying groups and Washington insiders should not get in the way of environmental protection. Prevention of further dismantling of regulations is needed to ensure that the outdoors can be preserved & enjoyed by generations to come.
  • EDDI Values Equal Opportunity for All. We want an America that offers equal opportunity for all, not only some. This equality necessitates protection against discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, physical ability, or sexual orientation.
  • EDDI Values a Fair Return on Our Tax Dollar. We believe in shared prosperity. Sound fiscal responsibility is everyone's concern, but it must be balanced with ensuring that everyone can participate in the American Dream.

Contact EDDI
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 © 2025 Eighth District Democrats & Independents